Patrick Lee
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Sally Sheridan
The Sheridan Clan
John Cullen
The Cullen Clan
David Green
United States
The Greene Clan
Kelly Boran
United States
The O'Boran Clan
Amy Rodgers
United States
The Logue Clan
Marcus Kirk
United States
The Kirk Clan
Henry McIlmurray
Whitley Bay, United Kingdom
The McIlmurray Clan
Carol Nicholas
Llanelli, Wales
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
joanne mcmanus
Calgary Alberta Canada, United Kingdom
The McManus Clan
Helen Gossett
Fort Lauderdale, United States
The Lawler Clan
Maria Lanfranconi
The Smith Clan
raylan jennings
Flint TX, United States
The Jennings Clan
Robert Williams
Goodyear, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Billy Ross III
United States
The Wilson Clan
Nicholas Grumley
Echuca, Australia
The Grumley Clan
MaryAnn Warren
The Warren Clan
Douglas Craig
United States
The Craig Clan
Jordan Hennigan
United States
The Hennigan Clan
Kaylee Reardon
United States
The Reardon Clan
Frank Shannon
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Megan Shannon
Denver, United States
The Shannon Clan
Michael O'Shaughnessy
Cedar Park, Texas, United States
The O'Shaughnessy Clan
George Kennedy
Christchurch, New Zealand
The Kennedy Clan
Brandon Mullins
Westland, United States
The Mullins Clan