danny laird
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Carl Dunphy
Fredericton N.B., Canada
The Dunphy Clan
francis tighe
Rochdale, England
The Tighe Clan
Susan Travers
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Christina Burke
United States
The Burke Clan
Robert Summers
Montgomery, United States
The Somers Clan
Dolores (Finerty) Burkett
The Finnerty Clan
Christopher Delacruz
Brownstown, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Aaron O'Hegarty
Leeds, United Kingdom
The Hegarty Clan
Isaac Weekly
Poland, Ireland
The Norris Clan
Jessica Tull
Gatesville, United States
The Leeper Clan
Rosemary Dempsey
The Lewis Clan
alan murray
Summerside, Canada
The Murray Clan
United States
The Breeden Clan
Jeanne Bell
New Zealand
The Mathews Clan
Nancy Prosser
San Diego, United States
The Lafferty Clan
Harold Bussell
United States
The Bussell Clan
Joseph Kelleher
The Kelleher Clan
Peter Phillips
United Kingdom
The Phillips Clan
Janice Lowe
The Lowe Clan
Charla Sisk
United States
The Avery Clan
Alisha Drew
United States
The Drew Clan
Constance B Coleman
United States
The Fennelly Clan
Holly Austin
United States
The Wilson Clan
Laurence Duggan
Noosa, Australia
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan