Philip McAnelly
United States
The McAnally Clan
Cathryn Amador
United States
The McSherry Clan
Randal Daniels
United States
The Daniels Clan
Brian Fay
Cootehill, Co.Cavan, Ireland
The Foy Clan
Mary Herron
United States
The Crawford Clan
Richard Adams
Central Indiana, USA, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Corrina Clancy-Morris
Phoenix, United States
The Clancy Clan
Dan Thomas-Stancill
United States
The Stanley Clan
Michelle Marshall Biashvili
Tennessee, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
billie drew
United States
The Drew Clan
markee webb
United States
The Webb Clan
James hayes O'Neill O'Neill
Nenagh, Ireland
The O'Neill Clan
Randy Conley
Frankford, Canada
The Conley Clan
Terry Jordan
Fulton, Illinois, United States
The Jordan Clan
John Trimble
Grayslake, IL USA, United States
The Faulkner Clan
Gregory McElvaney
Litchfield Park, AZ, United States
The McElvaney Clan
thomas bowland
The Boland Clan
Larry Devitt
Chicago area, United States
The Devitt Clan
Fiomer Curtin
The Curtin Clan
Thomas Kerns
Marietta, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
philip corp
United States
The Korp Clan
Peter Heaney
Leitrim , Longford, Ireland
The Heaney Clan
The Kelleher Clan
Joseph Kenny
United States
The Kenny Clan
Chris Campagnaro
South Slocan Village, Canada
The Davis Clan