John O'Rourke
St. John's, Canada
The O'Rourke Clan
Joseph Geoghegan
United States
The Geoghegan Clan
Elizabeth Rush
New Jersey, United States
The Platt Clan
Patricia Gillen
United States
The Gillen Clan
Pam sexton
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Lynn Copplestone
Cavenham, United Kingdom
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
John McNeely
Aurora, United States
The McNeely Clan
Catherine Kremer
United States
The Shanley Clan
Thomas Donegan
The Donegan Clan
Gillian lane
The Lane Clan
james mcgrail
United States
The McGrail Clan
mike abram
England, Ireland
The Abram Clan
Tyrone Duffy
Burton upon Trent, England
The Duffy Clan
Amber Waldron
United States
The Waldron Clan
Jodie Kirwan
United Kingdom
The Kirwan Clan
Daithi O'Brien
Kinsale, Ireland
The O'Brien Clan
jack herrnon
Winston- Salem NC, United States
The Hernon Clan
Kathy Nesfeder
Bethlehem, PA, United States
The Considine Clan
Yvonne Christison
Stevens Point, Wisconsin, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
John Cullen
The Cullen Clan
The Brophy Clan
Michael Hopkins
United States
The Hopkins Clan
Evelyn Brown
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Joseph McCool
The McCool Clan
Allison White
United States
The Sheridan Clan