Linda Lavender
Afton, United States
The Fay Clan
Jayne Chandler, nee Armstrong
Gray, United States
The Armstrong Clan
John Monte
Imperial Beach, United States
The Desmond Clan
Joel Bryan
Colo, IA, United States
The Bryan Clan
Joan McManus
United States
The McManus Clan
Kristi Kenney
United States
The Kenney Clan
Lisa Halpin
United States
The Halpin Clan
Jim Corbett
United States
The Corbett Clan
Jennifer Harrington
Chicago, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Richard Raymond
Port Angeles, United States
The Raymond Clan
United States
The O'Dwyer Clan
Brad Donahue
San Diego, United States
The Donahue Clan
Rachel Mullen
United States
The Mullen Clan
Guy Hadden
Angleton, Texas, United States
The Hadden Clan
JoAnn Phillips
Irving, Texas, United States
The Henry Clan
Gregory Ross
United States
The Ross Clan
Terry Lambert
Dublin, Ireland
The Lambert Clan
Dawn Hill
United States
The Hogan Clan
Danny Yates
Cantonment, Fl, United States
The Yates Clan
Joseph McCool
The McCool Clan
John Donovan
United States
The Donovan Clan
Michelle Owens
United States
The Craig Clan
joanne mcmanus
Calgary Alberta Canada, United Kingdom
The McManus Clan
Michael Cashman
United States
The Cashman Clan
Thomas Bonner
LeRoy, NY, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan