Debra O'Toole
Arnprior, Canada
The O'Toole Clan
Donald Shea
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Willie Saunderson
Pretoria, South Africa
The Sanderson Clan
Amber Sutton
United States
The Sutton Clan
James Paul Fulton
United States
The Fulton Clan
Amelia-Lavonne Walker
The Walker Clan
Dena Hawkins
United States
The Hawkins Clan
Kelly Boran
United States
The O'Boran Clan
Maryanne Sheehan-Kelleher
Chester Springs, PA, United States
The Sheehan Clan
Dean Clancy
Ann Arbor, United States
The Clancy Clan
Seamus MacCathmhaoil
New Zealand
The McCall Clan
Teresa Burns
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Laura Reich
United States
The Harrison Clan
Philip McAnelly
United States
The McAnally Clan
Kathleen Davis-pinney
United States
The Hagan Clan
Thomas Bonner
LeRoy, NY, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Alax Jones
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Terry Jordan
Fulton, Illinois, United States
The Jordan Clan
Joanie Hanlon
United States
The Hanlon Clan
Shelli Humphrey
Greenfield, United States
The Humphrey Clan
Joseph McCool
The McCool Clan
Harvey Tallant
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Kaitlyn Tuohey
Reston, United States
The Tuohey Clan
Thomas Madden
Chula Vista, CA, United States
The Madden Clan
Rory Gogerty
Michigan, United States
The Gogerty Clan