Colin Black
United States
The Black Clan
William Bishop
Ottawa Ontario, Canada
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Monica Harding O'HAIRE
Drumlish, Lonfgford, Ireland
The Harding Clan
Melissa Martin Ellis
LEAP, Ireland
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Toni Conwell
North Ayrshire, Scotland
The Conwell Clan
Marjorie Fogarty
The Fogarty Clan
Joseph Keegan
Dublin 4, Ireland
The Keegan Clan
Amber Sutton
United States
The Sutton Clan
Charles Monroe Day III
Tribune, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Abigail Brace
Elizabethton, United States
The Campbell Clan
Clifford Edward Shields
South Africa
The Shields Clan
nigel steele
northampton, United Kingdom
The Steele Clan
Michelle O'kane
The O'Kane Clan
Paul Mullins
Somerset, Australia
The Mullins Clan
Christy Newcomer
Baltimore, United States
The Sunderland Clan
Graem Shakespeare
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
The Young Clan
John Neary
United Kingdom
The Neary Clan
Paul Kirwan
Gloucestershire, England
The Kirwan Clan
Patrick Mouyade
The Tanham Clan
Debra Welch
United States
The Walsh Clan
Michael Hopkins
United States
The Hopkins Clan
laura gibbons
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Pamela Sullivan
The Sullivan Clan
Roger Shane
Bangkok, Thailand
The Shane Clan
Bradley Wall
The Wall Clan