Allison White
United States
The Sheridan Clan
Jamie West
United States
The West Clan
Michael Wilde
United States
The Wilde Clan
Lisa Kelley Davidson
United States
The Kelley Clan
Alonia (McCall) Johnson
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Paul Lorcan Tanham
Perth, Australia
The Tanham Clan
John Trimble
Grayslake, IL USA, United States
The Faulkner Clan
Linda Davis
Georgia, United States, Ireland
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Peter Shannon
The Shannon Clan
Lisa Ferry Thomas
Crown Point, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Dale Newton
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Dena Hawkins
United States
The Hawkins Clan
Kevin Miller
Killarney, Ireland
The Doyle Clan
Scotlyn O'Daniel
United States
The O'Daniel Clan
James Kelly
Birmingham, United Kingdom
The Kelly Clan
Albert King
The King Clan
Moria Sheehan
United States
The Sheehan Clan
Richard Long
The Murphy Clan
Stefan Larkin
Bruges, Belgium
The Larkin Clan
John Kelly
Dublin, Ireland
The Kelly Clan
Tom Devlin
The Mallon Clan
Reidun Inman (Coffey)
United States
The Coffey Clan
Michael Earley Sr.
Garner, NC, United States
The Earley Clan
James Gill
United States
The Darcy Clan
Anne Doran
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan