Paudy Mc Caughey
Dublin, Ireland
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Mary Helen Haines
Dallas, Texas, United States
The McFarland Clan
Daniel Barry
United States
The Barry Clan
shirley tansey blyth
stoney stanton, England
The Tansey Clan
Margaret Mary Sincavage
The King Clan
Ciaran Keegan
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
alan murray
Summerside, Canada
The Murray Clan
James hanifin
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Kyle K. Rogers ( Noone )
Seattle, United States
The Noone Clan
William Berry
The Berry Clan
John Sayers
Mulgrave,, Australia
The Breheny Clan
Chantelle McIntyre
The McIntyre Clan
Kate Donohue
United States
The O'Donoghue Clan
Kelly Kirk/Murray
Bay, MO, United States
The Kirk Clan
Richard Greer
Painesville, Ohio, United States
The Greer Clan
The Lloyd Clan
Kevin O'Shea
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
David Brady
Belfast, Ireland
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Donald Edwards
Kitchener, Canada
The Edwards Clan
Charles Wallace
Indianapolis, United States
The Wallace Clan
Sally Sheridan
The Sheridan Clan
Michele Scott
Kewanee, Illinois, United States
The Scott Clan
Douglas McMillen
United States
The McMillen Clan
Mary Matthews Flasche
Dawsonville Georgia, United States
The Matthews Clan
Robin Peppard
Central Islip, United States
The Peppard Clan