Richard Avery
United States
The Avery Clan
Christopher Garrison
United States
The Garrison Clan
Max Chevers
La Alfoquia, Almeria, Spain
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Charles Monroe Day III
Tribune, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Sherry Rinehart-Whittaker
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Melaine McCall
United States
The McCall Clan
Eugene Quinlan
The Quinlan Clan
Thomas McGreane
United States
The McGrane Clan
David Kyle
The Kyle Clan
Linda Lavender
Afton, United States
The Fay Clan
william pigg
The Lee Clan
stephen Clarke
Castlederg, Ireland
The Clarke Clan
Kieran O'Dowd
United States
The O'Dowd Clan
Joseph Keegan
Dublin 4, Ireland
The Keegan Clan
Tammielee Mckenna
Stirling, Scotland
The McKenna Clan
Jennifer Reid
United States
The Reid Clan
Randy McFadden
Great Falls, MT, United States
The Mcfadden Clan
Fiomer Curtin
The Curtin Clan
Nancy McElroy
United States
The McElroy Clan
Gerry Vaughan
United Kingdom
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Ronnie smart
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Jonathan DUGGAN
Sydney, Australia
The Duggan Clan
Charles Peckham
Pontiac, MI, United States
The Peckham Clan
Daniel Crothers
Carrickfergus, United Kingdom
The Crothers Clan
Paddy McGarr
The McGarr Clan