Paul Doolin
Dublin 5, Ireland
The Doolan Clan
Lisa Kelley Davidson
United States
The Kelley Clan
Joseph Kenny
United States
The Kenny Clan
Whitney Madison
Milwaukee, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Dolores Coughlan
The Coughlan Clan
Dylan Burgess
Heber/ Overgaard, Arizona, United States
The Burgess Clan
bolton, Ireland
The Tanham Clan
Kenneth Gilliland
La Porte, Indiana, United States
The Gilliland Clan
Pól Ó Duibhir
The Dwyer Clan
George Kennedy
Christchurch, New Zealand
The Kennedy Clan
Michael Ennis
The Ennis Clan
Terry Payne-Franklin
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Robert Morris
Hilliard, Ohio, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Ted Whittington
United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Darla Lonergan
United States
The Lonergan Clan
jack herrnon
Winston- Salem NC, United States
The Hernon Clan
Michael McCoy
Middleburg, United States
The McCoy Clan
Vanessa Adams
United States
The Adams Clan
Tadg Ua Conchennain
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Alan Proffitt
United States
The Dunne Clan
Daven Callaghan
Nampa, United States
The Callaghan Clan
Reidun Inman (Coffey)
United States
The Coffey Clan
James Mullaly
Framingham, Massacusetts, United States
The Mullally Clan
Michele Scott
Kewanee, Illinois, United States
The Scott Clan
Richard Long
The Murphy Clan