Amanda Gallagher
United States
The Gallagher Clan
Mike Klunder
United States
The Bryan Clan
Dan Thomas-Stancill
United States
The Stanley Clan
Colleen Tracey
Orillia, Canada
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
Joseph Kelleher
The Kelleher Clan
Thomas Kerns
Marietta, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
John Richards
Springfield, Virginia, United States
The Connors Clan
Gregory Ross
United States
The Ross Clan
Bud Cornwell
Fayetteville, United States
The Cornwell Clan
Johnna Breslin-Bates
United States
The Breslin Clan
William Warren
Kansas City, United States
The Warren Clan
Leonard McCaffrey
My Home, United States
The McCaffrey Clan
Charla Sisk
United States
The Avery Clan
Sandra Scully
The Scully Clan
John McNeely
Aurora, United States
The McNeely Clan
Paul Doolin
Dublin 5, Ireland
The Doolan Clan
Martin Holland
Kells, Co. Meath, Ireland
The Houlihan Clan
Brian Cassels
Newburgh, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
John McGarry
United States
The McGarry Clan
Christine Ray
United States
The Ray Clan
Lisa Ferry Thomas
Crown Point, United States
The Friends Of IrishGathering Clan
April Fallon
United States
The Fallon Clan
Thomas Donegan
The Donegan Clan
Jeremy Bailey
United States
The Bailey Clan
Shannon McIntyre
United States
The McIntyre Clan